Family Attractions
Come to Gayatri Yoga Centre and discover how to harmonise your body, mind and inner self. In any of our classes, you’ll quickly learn how to release tension from your body and calm your mind. At our three centres located in Almaty, classes are taught only by certified yoga teachers who have extensive experience in personal practice and responsible teaching. We use the most effective techniques from existing traditional schools of Hatha Yoga. The founder and a teacher of the centre is Daulet Nazarov, an experienced teacher with more than 15 years of teaching in local yoga centres and author of a book on the subject.
All classes at the centre are conducted only in Russian. The timetable is basically the same every week, with minor changes (advance notice is given in case of such changes), but teachers may change and swap classes sometimes.
Types of classes:
• Classes for beginners
• Basic classes
• Intensive classes
• Classes for pregnant women
• Classes for aged people
• Meditation and pranayama classes
• Kundalini Yoga Classes
• Individual lessons
Business hours: from 07:00 to 22:00
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